Source code for fibomat.units

"""This submodule implements (physical) unit support for the package (units = physical units).

It uses the python module `pint`. For usage, see the example below or the
documentation at ::

    from fibomat.units import Q_, U_

    # factor of 1. exists implicitly
    a = 1. * Q_('µm') = Q_('1. µm') = 1. * U_('µm')

    a_in_m ='m')

    a_raw = a.magnitude
    a_unit = a.units

    dose = 12 * Q('ions / nm**2')
    dose_in_c_per_um2 ='coulomb / µm**2')
from typing import Union, NewType

import pint  # type: ignore

ureg: pint.registry.UnitRegistry = pint.UnitRegistry(system='mks')
"""pint unit registry"""

# add unit `Ions` to the unit registry
# we are only interested in charges +1, so it is fine
ureg.define('ions = elementary_charge')  # = ions ?

# define doses as derived dimensions
ureg.define('[spotdose] = [current] * [time]')
ureg.define('[linedose] = [current] * [time] / [length]')
ureg.define('[areadose] = [current] * [time] / [length] ** 2')

Q_ = ureg.Quantity
"""Quantity constructor."""

U_ = ureg.Unit
"""Unit constructor"""

UnitType = Union[pint.Unit]  # NewType('UnitType', pint.Unit)
"""Generic pint unit type used for typing annotation. Objects constructed with :attr:`U_` hae this type."""

# class PintUnit:
#     def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any:
#         pass

LengthUnit = pint.Unit  # NewType('LengthUnit', UnitType)
TimeUnit = pint.Unit  # NewType('TimeUnit', UnitType)
# LengthUnit = NewType('LengthUnit', UnitType)

QuantityType = Union[pint.Quantity]  # NewType('QuantityType', pint.Quantity)
"""pint quantity type used for typing annotation"""

LengthQuantity = QuantityType  # NewType('LengthQuantity', QuantityType)
TimeQuantity = QuantityType  # NewType('TimeQuantity', QuantityType)

[docs]def has_length_dim(quant_or_unit: Union[UnitType, QuantityType]) -> bool: """Check if `quant_or_unit` has dimension `[length]`. Args: quant_or_unit (UnitType, QuantityType): unit or quantity to be checked. Returns: bool """ return quant_or_unit.dimensionality == '[length]'
# return ureg.check(qunat, '')
[docs]def has_time_dim(quant_or_unit: Union[UnitType, QuantityType]) -> bool: """Check if `quant_or_unit` has dimension `[time]`. Args: quant_or_unit (UnitType, QuantityType): unit or quantity to be checked. Returns: bool """ return quant_or_unit.dimensionality == '[time]'
[docs]def scale_factor(base_unit: Union[UnitType, QuantityType], other_unit: Union[UnitType, QuantityType]) -> float: """Calculates the scaling factor needed to convert `other_unit` to `base_untit`. .. warning:: If `base_unit` or `other_unit` are quantities, the magnitude is ignored. Args: base_unit (Union[UnitType, QuantityType]): base unit other_unit (Union[UnitType, QuantityType]): other unit Returns: float: scaling factor """ base = base_unit if isinstance(base_unit, pint.Unit) else 1. * base_unit.units other_quant = 1. * other_unit if isinstance(other_unit, pint.Unit) else 1. * other_unit.units return
[docs]def scale_to(base_unit: Union[UnitType, QuantityType], quantity: QuantityType) -> float: """Scales quantity `quantity` to `base_unit` and returns the result as `float`. Args: base_unit (Union[UnitType, QuantityType]): base unit quantity (QuantityType): quantity to be scaled Returns: float: scaled quantity """ base = base_unit if isinstance(base_unit, pint.Unit) else base_unit.units return